Write a reflection paper that makes the case (provide arguments and evidence) that race is not biological but is rather a social construct.

Write a reflection paper that makes the case (provide arguments and evidence) that race is not biological but is rather a social construct. Use material from the video Race: The Power of Illusion AND the video When the Bough Breaks. You can probably answer this question in 2-3 pages, double-spaced with 12-point normal font and 1-inch margins all around.
The Power of an Ilusion Episode 1 – https://newsreel.org/guides/race/pressreleasecredit.htm
When the Bough Breaks Unnatural Causes – https://chaamp.virginia.edu/node/4174
Couldn’t find the actual documentaries for free**
– Discuss Lewontin’s Research and includes evidence from “The Power of Illusion” with in-text citation(s).
– Discuss difference between newly evolved and old genes and cites evidence from “The Power of Illusion” with in-text citation(s).
– Discusses the research comparing birth outcomes among American-born African Americans, White Americans, and African immigrants with evidence from “When the Bough Breaks” with in-text citation(s).
– Discuss the expected outcomes based on the social gradient with evidence from “When the Bough Breaks” with in-text citation(s).
– Discuss what we see for low-birth-weight babies of African Americans. speculate on why there are disparities using evidence from “The Power of Illusion” and “When the Bough Breaks” with in-text citation(s).

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