Written Assignment: A Letter to the Author Write a 750-word letter to the author

Written Assignment: A Letter to the Author
Write a 750-word letter to the author of a devil in the blue dress by Walter Mosley.
Address some of the following questions. Of course, the way you respond will partly be determined by whether you are reading fiction or non-fiction. Remember to be respectful in your responses.
1. Compare where you live with the neighborhood, town, or city in the book. Would you rather live in the place where this story takes place? Why or why not? Remember that you want to be respectful.
2. Is there a character or person that you particularly like? or dislike? Who? Why?
3. Would you like to be anyone in the story? Who? Why?
4. Who would play the characters in a movie?
5. Choose a passage that you responded to emotionally. Explain why.
6. Choose a theme song for the book. What is it and why should that song be the one?
7. What would you change? Why?
8. If you were to write a sequel or alternate ending, what would it be like? What if you were able to change one plot point in the book?
9. Reflect on the book and its message. What do you learn? How does it make you feel? Does it prompt you to some sort of action? Did it make you think something you haven’t previously thought about?

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