You identified the quality issue that you discussed with your facility mentor (Administrator) relating to the lack of education to patients for self-care in managing their disease problems especially Type 2 diabetes and HTN.

You identified the quality issue that you discussed with your facility mentor (Administrator) relating to the lack of education to patients for self-care in managing their disease problems especially Type 2 diabetes and HTN.
You will draft a problem statement that identifies five areas.
1. The quality issue that is of concern to the facility administrator; (Educating Patients following on discharged instruction on selfcare to managed their condition especially pt. with diabetes and HTN, to help in lowering their Hemoglobin A1C and reducing elevated high blood pressure in the primary care setting.

2. What evidence exists that this is a problem in the facility;
3. Review the literature to identify the existence of this as a quality issue and the extent to which it exists;
4. How has it been addressed in the literature;
Review information related to Motivational Interviewing.

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