Your goal is to advance a specific position articulating how the author has woven together selected elements of narrative to produce the story’s main themes and overall effect.

For your final assignment, you will synthesize what you have learned about the interrelationships among narrative elements in a brief analysis (3-4 pages) of a story of your choosing. You may select any story assigned this session.
“PAUL’S CASE” by Willa Cather
Your goal is to advance a specific position articulating how the author has woven together selected elements of narrative to produce the story’s main themes and overall effect. (Some elements are more influential in certain stories than others. Focus on the ones that are most relevant for your selected story). As with your character analysis, strive to demonstrate your close reading and analytical abilities through incorporating specific examples illustrated with selected quotations from the text.
Reading Journal Brainstorming: To prepare to write your analysis, begin by brainstorming examples of how your author develops the following in your reading journal:
Point of view
Stylistic elements, symbols, motifs, figurative language, etc.
This will help you to identify which particular features are most important and formulate your position on your selected story.
Then, in your analysis, articulate your position on the story in a clear, specific thesis statement. Support your thesis with carefully selected examples and specific quotations from the story. Like a short story, your short analysis should be sharply focused and concise, so strive to be precise in making your points and with your selected examples.
Please see Purdue OWL’s website (Links to an external site.) for information on correct incorporation of quotations in your analysis.
See the rubric for specific evaluation criteria.
Analysis Rubric
Analysis Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis
10 to >8.0 pts
The analysis includes a specific thesis that clearly articulates the writer’s position.
8 to >6.0 pts
The analysis includes a thesis, but it needs to be more specific or clear in articulating the writer’s postion.
6 to >0 pts
The thesis is vague or unclear and/or difficult to identify.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTextual Examples
40 to >36.0 pts
The writer’s thesis/position is convincingly supported throughout with a close and careful examination of specific, well-chosen examples from the text.
36 to >26.0 pts
The writer’s thesis/position is supported with some examination of specific examples, but additional examples/ discussion would better support the writer’s thesis/point of view.
26 to >0 pts
The writer’s thesis/position is underdeveloped. Additional examination of specific examples is needed throughout.
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuotations
30 to >25.0 pts
The writer effectively and consistently incorporates well-chosen, relevant quotations throughout to support their main points.
25 to >19.0 pts
The writer incorporates some relevant quotations to support their points, but additional quotations are needed to strengthen the analysis.
19 to >0 pts
The writer does not incorporate relevant quotations to support the main points.
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
10 to >8.0 pts
The analysis is very well-organized. The thesis provides direction, paragraphs are guided by strong topic sentences, and there are smooth transitions between ideas throughout.
8 to >6.0 pts
The analysis is mostly well-organized. The thesis and topic sentences are mostly clear and easy to follow. Stronger transitions between ideas would be helpful.
6 to >0 pts
The analysis lacks clear organization. The purpose of some paragraphs/ examples may be unclear. A lack of transitions makes the writer’s points difficult to follow.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConventions, Grammar, and Mechanics
10 to >8.0 pts
The analysis is well-written, adhering to the stylistic conventions in the assignment criteria and is virtually error free. MLA formatting is correct.
8 to >6.0 pts
The analysis is mostly well-written and adheres to the stylistic conventions in the assignment criteria but it does contain some noticeable errors. MLA formatting is mostly correct.
6 to >0 pts
Then analysis fails to adheres to the stylistic conventions in the assignment criteria. There are sufficient errors in the analysis to interfere with clarity/meaning. MLA formatting is incorrect.
10 pts

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