Your paper must be a minimum of 5 pages (excluding the title page and the refere

Your paper must be a minimum of 5 pages (excluding the title page and the reference page),
double spaced, with 1” margins and font size of either 11 or 12 (this instruction page has 1-inch
margins, single-spaced, using Calibri font size of 11). See more information regarding the format for
your project and the example of a paper in the Guidelines for Your Paper Format and Paper
Example posted in the APA Resources Module.
2. Write concisely and in third person (see How in the Other Resources module). Refrain from using
the first person (e.g., I, me) unless you are asked for your personal viewpoints. This project does
not ask about any of your personal viewpoints. Therefore, there should not be the first person used
in the entire paper.

3. Use correct grammar, spellings, and punctuation throughout the paper.
4. Follow strictly the correct APA format and style for both in-text citations and on the references.
Consult the Concise Guide to APA Style (7
th ed.) and/or APA Format & Style Guidelines posted in the
course as necessary.
5. Begin your paper with a title page. See the correct format of the title page in the Guidelines for a
Title Page Setup for Your Project posted in the APA Resources Module).
6. Paginate all pages, including the reference page. Begin your reference list on a new page.
7. Provide an appropriate heading for each section of your paper, including conclusion. Do not write
and submit a multiple-page paper without headings. A multiple-page paper with no headings is
unacceptable. See more info RE: Heading and levels of headings used in the project in the
Guidelines for Your Paper Format and Paper Example posted in the APA Resources Module.
8. Save your assignment in either a MS Word (.doc) or a PDF for submission.
9. Since this project concerns evidence-based practice (EBP), journal articles you use in the literature
review should not be older than 5 years old.
** Be mindful of the level of research evidence of

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